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# Subject Sort descending Title Author Location Call Number Source Source Date Page Number Volume Note
841 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Scrapbooks Scrapbook CTR 1952 298 Architect's drawing
842 First Church of Christ, Scientist Arbuckle Collection Arbuckle, Clyde Vault 4 Box 12, File 28
843 FIRST CITY CLERK Col. Russell Butler Tripp, first clerk of San Jose under its present charter, taking office in 1915. Died Feb. 10, 1957.
844 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose San Jose Mercury News 5/6/1975 84 2
845 First Congregational Church Arbuckle Collection Arbuckle, Clyde Vault 4 Box 12, File 29
846 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH History of Santa Clara County Sawyer, Eugene T. Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 S27h, 979.4 Sawyer 1922 264
847 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH History of Santa Clara County, California. Alley, Bowen & Co. Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 A43, 979.4 History 1881 485 Dedication
848 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - SAN JOSE Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose 84 2
849 FIRST COVENANT CHURCH Loomis, Patricia Scrapbooks Signposts 80 San Jose News 1/4/1980
850 FIRST DIRECTORY PUBLISHED History of San Jose and Surroundings Hall, Frederic Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 H17 1871 314 Jan. 1, 1870
851 FIRST DRIED FRUIT GROWERS COOPERATIVE History of San Jose, California, Narrative and Biographical James, William F. and George H. McMurry Ready Reference & Stacks 979.474 J30, 979.474 James 1933 134 Santa Clara Fruit Exchange - incorporated in 1892 - Philo Hershey president.
852 FIRST EXECUTION History of San Jose and Surroundings Hall, Frederic Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 H17 1871 196 Julius Martin first person executed by the Americans.
853 FIRST FIRE COMPANY History of San Jose, California, Narrative and Biographical James, William F. and George H. McMurry Ready Reference & Stacks 979.474 J30, 979.474 James 1933 96 Organized by volunteers Nov. 4, 1850 - named Eureka Fire Co. #1.
854 FIRST FLOUR MILL History of San Jose and Surroundings Hall, Frederic Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 H17 1871 135 Flour mill built by Sainsevain in 1844 on the west side of the Guadalupe River, opposite the end of El Dorado (Post). Built of wood. Operated by great over-shot water wheel. Dam across the stream impounded the water.
855 FIRST FOUNDRY 1854. Mr. Avery
856 FIRST FRAME HOUSE Michael Hughes 1852
857 FIRST GAS History of Santa Clara County Sawyer, Eugene T. Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 S27h, 979.4 Sawyer 1922 221 Oct. 6, 1860 - San Jose Gas Company formed. James K. Prior, Thomas Anderson, James Hagan.
858 FIRST GAS LIGHTS History of San Jose and Surroundings Hall, Frederic Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 H17 1871 283 Franchise to light city granted to James Hagen July 13, 1860. First street lights January 21, 1861.
859 FIRST GAS LIGHTS History of San Jose, California, Narrative and Biographical James, William F. and George H. McMurry Ready Reference & Stacks 979.474 J30, 979.474 James 1933 112
860 FIRST GAS LIGHTS History of Santa Clara County Sawyer, Eugene T. Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 S27h, 979.4 Sawyer 1922 221
862 FIRST HOUSES NUMBERED History of San Jose and Surroundings Hall, Frederic Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 H17 1871 314 Houses numbered in 1869. First directory published Jan. 1, 1870.
863 FIRST LEGISLATURE History of San Jose, California, Narrative and Biographical James, William F. and George H. McMurry Ready Reference & Stacks 979.474 J30, 979.474 James 1933 77
864 FIRST LYNCHING IN CITY HALL PARK Campbell, Freer, & Davis Scrapbooks Scrapbook D Dec. 19, 1848 17
865 FIRST M. E. CHURCH Index of San Jose Building Permits 1895-1900 & 1910-1922 Ready Reference (blue and white binder) 11/23/1898 Index compiled by April Halberstadt. 2 story dwelling, $2938, E 6th, 120 N San Fernando. Contractor: Simons, C. B.
866 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose 27, 30 6
867 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Scrapbooks Scrapbook A 76 Organized in 1849 by Rev. William Taylor
868 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Scrapbooks Scrapbook A 78 Third St. Church
869 First Methodist Church Arbuckle Collection Arbuckle, Clyde Vault 4 Box 12, File 30
870 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Ten Years In Paradise Carroll, Mary Bowden Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 917.94 1903 169, 170 Index compiled by Glory Anne Laffey