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# Subject Sort descending Title Author Location Call Number Source Source Date Page Number Volume Note
1111 FIVE HUNDRED-ACRE TITLES History of San Jose and Surroundings Hall, Frederic Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 H17 1871 (1847-49), 182-187
1112 FIVE HUNDRED-ACRE TITLES When San Jose Was Young Scrapbooks When San Jose Was Young Scrapbooks San Jose Mercury 1/14/1935 141
1113 FIVE MILE HOUSE Brainard Atlas of Santa Clara County Brainard, Henry C. Ready Reference 1885-1890 39
1114 FIVE MILE HOUSE (ROBERTSVILLE) Loomis, Patricia Scrapbooks Signposts 73 San Jose News 4/27/1973
1115 FIVE MILE HOUSE (ROBERTSVILLE) Loomis, Patricia Scrapbooks Signposts 71 San Jose News 6/11/1971, 8/13/1971
1116 FIVE OAK PARK Loomis, Patricia Scrapbooks Signposts 1981 San Jose News 7/2/1981
1117 FIVE WOUNDS CHURCH Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Share It With Barrett 1956-1960 San Jose Mercury News 10/17/1956 (52)
1119 FIX, ALBERTA (BERTIE) Obituary Clipping Files San Jose San Jose Mercury News 3/5/1973 24 d. 3/3/1973, 59 yrs.
1120 FLAG Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose San Jose Mercury News 10/8/1975 35 3
1121 FLAG (FIRST RAISED) Historic Spots in California: Counties of the Coast Range Hoover, Mildred Brooke Mid-Vault 917.94 H78 1937 469-470 Capt. Thomas Fallon on July 14, 1846 (during the Bear Flag War). Raised in front of the juzgado (court house) northwest corner Post and Market Streets.
1122 FLAG DAY Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose 8, 12-13 8
1123 FLAG DAY Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose 107 7
1124 FLAG DAY Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose San Jose Mercury News Mar-75 20 2
1125 FLAG DAY Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose - Tapestry in Talent San Jose Mercury News 6/16/1976 11 12
1126 FLAG DAY PARADE Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose 6, 23, 29, 48, 68, 78, 91, 98-99, 101-102, 104, 106 5
1127 FLAG DAY PARADE Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose 34 4
1128 FLAG DAY PARADE Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose 92, 82, 89, 94, 100, 120 2
1129 FLAG RAISING, FIRST Clipping Files California
1130 FLAGG, E. C. History of Santa Clara County Sawyer, Eugene T. Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 S27h, 979.4 Sawyer 1922 100, 230
1131 FLAGG, E. C. Santa Clara County and its resources : historical, descriptive, statistical. A souvenir of the San Jose Mercury San Jose Mercury News Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 917.9473 San Jose 1895 201
1132 FLAGG, E. C. Ten Years In Paradise Carroll, Mary Bowden Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 917.94 1903 38, 79 Index compiled by Glory Anne Laffey
1133 FLAGG, E. C. (MRS.) Ten Years In Paradise Carroll, Mary Bowden Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 917.94 1903 79 Index compiled by Glory Anne Laffey
1134 FLAGG, E. J. Loomis, Patricia Scrapbooks Signposts 78 San Jose News 12/8/1978
1135 FLAGG, ELMER H. History of Santa Clara County Sawyer, Eugene T. Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 S27h, 979.4 Sawyer 1922 194
1136 FLAGG, LENORA (BRADLEY) Loomis, Patricia Scrapbooks Signposts 78 San Jose News 12/8/1978
1137 FLAGG, LOUIS E. Arbuckle, Helen Scrapbooks Helen Arbuckle Obituary San Jose News 11/16/1977 172 I
1138 FLAGG, NELLIE Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose San Jose News 6/1/1976 91 5
1139 FLAGS Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose 13, 29 8
1140 FLAGS Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose 32, 34-35, 100 7