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# Subject Sort descending Title Author Location Call Number Source Source Date Page Number Volume Note
13801 DALIS, PETER N. Arbuckle, Helen Scrapbooks Helen Arbuckle Obituary San Jose Mercury 10/17/1967 25 I
13802 DALLMAN, ARN Arbuckle, Helen Scrapbooks Helen Arbuckle Obituary San Jose Mercury 12/2/1996 780 III Ferguson's Music Store
13803 DALPKE, SIEMON HENRY Declarations of Intention for Naturalization, Santa Clara County Rose, Christine Ready Reference 929.3794 4/27/1863 25 Signed Dalbke
13804 DALTON BROTHERS Periodicals Pony Express Courier Mar. 1939 13
13805 DALTON BROTHERS Scrapbooks Scrapbook X 18th sheet
13806 DALY CITY Clipping Files California John Daly had large dairy ranch outside city of San Francisco. 1906 earthquake drove people out -- shacks erected, replaced by permanent. Incorporated 3/20/1911.
13807 DALY CITY - 1960(?) (MAP) Peninsula Cities - 1960(?) Thomas Brothers Map Cases Drawer 13 San Mateo County Title Co. 1960(?)
13808 DALY CITY - 1961 (MAP) San Francisco - 1961 H. M. Gousha Map Cases Drawer 13 Richfield 1961 Shows the Northern peninsula; includes inset maps of Downtown San Francisco, San Francisco Bay Area.
13809 DALY CITY - 1961 (MAP) San Francisco and San Mateo Counties - 1961 H. M. Gousha Co. Map Cases Drawer 13 Chevron Gas Station 1961
13810 DALY CITY - 1970 (MAP) San Francisco and the Southern Peninsula Rand McNally Map Co. Hanging Map Files Rod 17 Union 76 Gasoline Stations 1970
13811 DALY CITY - 1971 (MAP) San Francisco Bay Area - 1971 H. M. Gousha Co. Map Cases Drawer 13 Texaco Gas Station 1971
13812 DALY CITY - 1972 (MAP) San Francisco Bay Region - 1972 H. M. Gousha Co. Map Cases Drawer 13 Texaco Gas Station 1972
13813 DALY CITY - 1975 (MAP) San Francisco and Vicinity - 1975 Rand McNally Map Co. Hanging Map Files Rod 17 1975
13814 DALY CITY - 1979 (MAP) San Francisco - 1979 North American Maps Map Cases Drawer 13 1979
13815 DALY CITY - 1991 (MAP) San Francisco & Northern Peninsula - 1991 H. M. Gousha Map Cases Drawer 13 1991
13816 DALY, ELSIE Arbuckle, Helen Scrapbooks Helen Arbuckle Obituary San Jose Mercury 3/8/1992 638 III
13817 DALY, KAREN Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose 39-40 4
13818 DALY, KAREN Barrett, Dick Scrapbooks Bicentennial Records of San Jose San Jose Mercury News 2/26/1976 40 4
13819 DALY, PHILLIP History of Santa Clara County Sawyer, Eugene T. Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 S27h, 979.4 Sawyer 1922 1160
13820 DAME (Judge) When San Jose Was Young Scrapbooks When San Jose Was Young Scrapbooks San Jose Mercury 7/4/1932 14
13822 DAME SHIRLEY LETTERS Loomis, Patricia Scrapbooks Signposts 79 San Jose News 9/7/1979
13823 DAME, TIMOTHY (Judge) When San Jose Was Young Scrapbooks When San Jose Was Young Scrapbooks San Jose Mercury 1/22/1934 95
13824 DAMERON, W. B. Loomis, Patricia Scrapbooks Signposts 76 San Jose News 3/26/1976
13825 DAMON History of Santa Clara County Sawyer, Eugene T. Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 S27h, 979.4 Sawyer 1922 108
13826 DAMON, EMERSON AND JONES History of San Jose and Surroundings Hall, Frederic Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 H17 1871 239
13827 DAMON, J. F. Century of Service Barrett, Dick Ready Reference & Stacks 979.474 Century 1977 42
13828 DAMON, THOMAS Scrapbooks Scrapbook E 33, 34 Encounter with grizzly bear
13829 DAMONTE, ANTONIO Historical Atlas Map of Santa Clara County, California Thompson & West Ready Reference & Stacks Uncataloged & 911.979473 Tho 1973 105
13830 DAMPIER, MILTON History of Santa Clara County Sawyer, Eugene T. Ready Reference & Mid-Vault 979.4 S27h, 979.4 Sawyer 1922 179