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L'Acqua Bella

In Songbook Collection:


In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Opera/Classical
Also called "Fairest Maiden"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Gluck, C.W. von; Gluck, C.W. von (original);Epstein, Adele (French)
Notes: Gavotte for high voice from the opera "Iphigenia in Aulis" with lyrics in English and French, arranged by Alexander Aslanoff.


In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Vocal
Also called "Lark"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Glinka, M.
Notes: Edited & fingered by R. Teichmuller, transcription by Balakirew.

l'Amero Saro Costante

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Opera/Classical
Also called "Her I'll Love"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus; Metastasio, Pietro (Italian);Martinez, Isidora (English)
Notes: Aria from the opera "Il Re Pastore" with lyrics in English and Italian; includes violin music. See other file for this title.

l'Amero, Saro Costante

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Opera/Classical
Also called "Faithful Heart Enraptured"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus; Metastasio, Pietro (Italian);Finley, Lorraine Noel (English)
Notes: Aria for soprano from the opera "Il Re Pastore" with lyrics in English and Italian, edited and arranged by Carl Deis. Includes cadenza for voice and violin by J. Lauterbach; see other file for this title.

L'Amour - Tourjours - L'Amour

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): Friml, Rudolf (m); Paskman, Dailey; et al (w)

L'Amour Est Bleu

In Music Magazine Collection:
Notes: see: Love is Blue

l'Amour est un oiseau rebelle

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Opera/Classical
Also called "Love is only a wood-bird wild"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Bizet, Georges; Bizet, Georges (French);Baker, Th. (English)
Notes: Habanera for mezzo soprano from the opera "Carmen" with lyrics in French and English. Edited by Max Spicker; see other files for this title.

L'Amour, Toujours, l'Amour

In Music Magazine Collection:
Sheet Music Magazine, May/June 1992
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Friml, Rudolf (m); Cushing, Catherine (w)
Notes: French lyrics by Roger Casini.


In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Opera/Classical
Also called "Angelus"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Chaminade, Cecile; Chaminade, Cecile (French);Oudin, Eugene (English)
Notes: Duet for mezzo soprano and baritone with lyrics in English and French.

l'Anneau d'Argent

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Opera/Classical
Also called "Silver Ring"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Chaminade, Cecile; Gerard, Rosemonde (French);Baker, Th. (English)
Notes: Song for mezzo soprano or baritone with lyrics in English and French.

l'Annee en Vain Chasse l'Annee!

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Opera/Classical
Also called "Years Roll By, No Comfort Bringing"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Debussy, Claude; Guinand, E. (French poem);Cox, Nita (English)
Notes: Recitative and air from the opera "L'Enfant Prodigue" with lyrics in English and French.

l'Apprenti Sorcir

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Vocal
Also called "Sorcerer's Apprentice"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Dukas, Paul
Notes: Arranged for piano by Victor Staub "d'apres une ballade de Goethe"


In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Vocal
Also called "Silvery Thistle"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Ketterer, E.
Notes: Mazurka

l'Arlessienne Suite No. 2

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Vocal
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Bizet, Georges
Notes: Arranged for piano by Herman Finck.

l'Augellin della biondina

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Piano
Notes: Lyrics in Italian only; no composers credited.

L'cha Adonai

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (m) Ephros, Gershon; (w) I Chronicles 29:11

L'chah Dodi

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (m) Zeira, Mordecai; (w) Alkabetz, Shlomo (16th c.)

L'chah Dodi

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (m) as heard at Kol Han'shamah Synagogue, Jerusalem (w) Alkabetz, Shlomo (16th c.)

L'chah Dodi

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (m) Sephardic melody; (w) Alkabetz, Shlomo (16th c.)

L'chah Dodi

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (m) Rotenberg, Abie; (w) Alkabetz, Shlomo (16th c.)

L'chah Dodi

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (m) Isaacson, Michael; (w) Alkabetz, Shlomo (16th c.)

L'chi Lach

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (m) Friedman, Debbie; (w) Friedman, Debbie; Teubal, Savina, based on Genesis 12:1-2

L'chu N'ran'nah

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (m) Sirotkin, R.; (w) Psalm 95:1-2

L'dor Vador

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (m) Friedman, Debbie; (w) Morning Liturgy-Amidah (K'dushah)


In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Vocal
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Lanyon, W. Herbert

l'Heure Bleue

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Vocal
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Baron, Maurice
Notes: Nocturne

l'Heure Exquise

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Piano
Also called "Enchanted Hour"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Hahn, Reynaldo; Hahn, Reynaldo (French);Strettell, Alma (English)
Notes: Lyrics in English and French

l'Heureux Vagabond,

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Piano
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Bruneau, Alfred; Mendes, Catulle (French poem)
Notes: Lyrics in French only; for baritone or bass

l'Hirondelle et le Prisonnier

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Vocal
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Croisez, A.
Notes: Caprice


In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Vocal
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Krogmann, C.W.
Notes: Waltz for the left hand only


In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Vocal
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Birgfeld, W.
Notes: Nocturne; see other file for this title.

l'Insana Parola

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Opera/Classical
Also called "Ye Gods Watching O'er Me"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Verdi, Guiseppe; Verdi, Guiseppe
Notes: Scene and aria for soprano from the opera "Aida" with lyrics in English and Italian, no translator credited.

L'Invitation au Voyage

In Choral Music Collection:
Voices: Female Voice Memo: s.s.a.a.Solo Voice Memo: s.a.t.b.
Translator: Wilbur, Richard
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Corigliano, John; Baudelaire, Charles
Notes: Lyrics in English only
Instrument Accompaniment: Acapella w/Rehearsal Piano

l'Isle Joyeuse

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Vocal
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Debussy, Claude

L'Ombre des Arbres

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Opera/Classical
Also called "Shadow of Trees"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Debussy, Achille Claude; Verlaine, Paul (French);Parker, Isabella (English)
Notes: Lyrics in French and English.

L'Origine Nascosta

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (w)(m) Einaudi, Ludovico

L'shanah HaBa-ah

In Songbook Collection:

L'takein (The Na Na Song)

In Songbook Collection:

L'Ultima Volta

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): Einaudi, Ludovico


In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): Douglas, Wayne jr.


In Music Magazine Collection:
Sheet Music Magazine, Nov. 1984
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Kaempfert, Bert; Gabler, Milt

L-O-V-E Spells Trouble to Me

In Sheet Music Collection:
Music Type: Piano
Also called "Love spells trouble to me"
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s)/Arranger(s): Corin, Joel; Feist, Felix

L. A. Sunshine

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): (w)(m) Allen, Sylvester; (w)(m) Brown, Harold R.; (w)(m) Dickerson, Morris; (w)(m) Jordan, Lonnie; (w)(m) Miller, Charles W.; (w)(m) Oskar, Lee; (w)(m) Scott, Howard; (w)(m) Goldstein, Jerry

L.A. Law

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): Post, Mike

L.A. Song

In Songbook Collection:
Composer(s)/Lyricist(s): Hart, Beth

La Alegria

In Songbook Collection: