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Best of Gilbert & Sullivan

Songbook Number

Songs in this book:

Ah! Leave Me Not to Pine Anymore
Duke of Plaza-Toro
Flowers That Bloom in the Spring
Free From His Fetters
Happy Young Heart
He Is an Englishman
Hey Willow Waly O!
I Am a Pirate King
I Have a Song to Sing O!
If Somebody There Chanced To Be
If you give me your attention
Is Life a Boon?
Law is the True Embodiment
Little Buttercup
Love is a Plaintive Song
Mikado's Song
Modern Major-General
My Name is John Wellington Wells
No Possible Doubt Whatever
Oh, Foolish Fay
Pale Young Curate
Policeman's Song
Poor Wand'ring One
Sentry's Song
Silver'd is the Raven Hair
Simple Sailor Lowly Born
Sorry Her Lot Who Loves Too Well
Sun Whose Rays
Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes
There Lived a King
Three Little Maids from School
Twenty Love-Sick Maidens
Wand'ring Minstrel
Were I Thy Bride
When a Merry Maiden Marries
When Britain Really Ruled the Waves
When First My Old
When I First Put This Uniform On
When I Was a Lad I Served a Term
When Maiden Loves
When You're Lying Awake
Willow, Tit-Willow