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Opera America Songbook

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Songs in this book:

Amina In White Flowing Robes
An Opera House
Ballad Of The Happy Kitchen
Black Hat
Bless This, Our Lovely Home
Bridegroom, Dear To My Heart
Building A House
Distance To The Market (The Writer Looks Back At His Childhood)
Down To The Twigs & Seeds
Farmstand Now Open
Feng Shui For Your New Home
First Sonnet To Orpheus
Here is a Place
Home At Last For Opera America
Home in the Golden Gate
Home, With Illustrations
House And Home
I Hear America Singing
La Tour
Look Down, Love
My House, I Say
New Home
Ode to the Promise Land
Open Up The House
Our Haven
Our House
Props Assist The House
Second Breath
Song Of The Last Crossing
Sound, Breaking Away
Sudden Light
Summer Stars
That Night With the Green Sky
Time To Begin
Unending Story
Where I Lived, And What I Lived For
Where the Bee Sucks
You Need Song