Statement of Policy & Text
Licensing agreements and subscription negotiations for electronic resources (such as subscription databases and e-books) will be negotiated to ensure maximum access for all users of the King Library, within reasonable financial considerations.
Need for the Policy
Prior to the merger in the King Library, SJSU Library and SJPL maintained separate contracts for a number of the same databases. Contracts with database vendors must be negotiated to guarantee access by both the City and University communities within the King Library.
Requirements & Guidelines
Electronic resource policies and procedures must be compatible with Section 4.1.1 - 4.1.3 of the Operating Agreement (see References below).
SJSU and SJPL librarians should create prioritized lists of shared databases before initiating contract negotiations. Database evaluations will consider scope, features, price, and appropriateness for the user communities.
To achieve complete access to these resources, subscription negotiations with vendors may include:
- A requirement for a clause in most SJSU database contracts to allow in-library database access by the public.
- Contractual restriction of some SJSU databases to student and faculty use, when public access is not logical, available, or financially desirable.
- Separate licensing agreements by SJSU and SJPL for database products, if needed.
- Third-party consortia purchase of databases by both SJSU and SJPL.
Any other issues that impact electronic resource subscriptions will also be negotiated in a way that maximizes access for all users.
Applicable Personnel/Departments
History & Dates
Category of Policy: Collections
Author(s): SJPL Supervising Librarian, Reference Services: Joan Bowlby
Authorized by: KMT
Date Written: 8/14/02
Date Effective: 8/1/03
Date(s) of Revision(s): 05/28/04dk, 2/23/05, 1/24/2013, 2/21/2013
A. Operating Agreement (aka) Memorandum of Understanding: Section 4.1.1 - 4.1.3