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Tenant Agreements


Statement of Policy & Text

In the King Library, SJSU and SJPL contract separately with any tenant groups through a signed Memorandum of Understanding, which must also be approved by the other institution.

All tenants must:

  • Abide by the terms of the Operating Agreement. (see References)
  • Agree to an annual review by both institutions.
  • Sign an annual renewal agreement. (MOU)

Need for the Policy

Since both SJSU and SJPL have agreements with other groups to use space within their existing libraries, a policy is needed to establish mutual guidelines for creating tenant agreements, even though each library will be responsible for its own separate tenant contracts.

Requirements & Guidelines

For the MOU see References below.

The MOU includes the following elements:

  1. The costs, which may include any of the following:
        a. Custodial staff

        b. Security

        c. Telephone service

        d. Furniture

        e. Equipment

      f. Restoring space to original condition
  2. The physical space and physical access for each tenant
  3. Mail services
  4. Hours of operation
  5. Participation in library activities
  6. Network access
  7. Insurance
  8. Signs or Posters to be displayed
  9. Reason and method for removing the tenant and who will pay the associated costs.

Either SJSU or SJPL may choose to allow additional groups to use donated or leased space in the King library if:

  • The group''s purpose is in keeping with the overall purpose of the Library.
  • The other institution is willing to sign a MOU.

Applicable Personnel/Departments

All, especially Administrative Services.




Reviewed and approved by:Signature/NameDate of Approval



History & Dates

Category of Policy & WBS#: Administration/Operations, Facilties; 6.3.2
Author(s): Alan Decker, SJPL Administration and Luann Budd, SJSU Administration
Authorized by: Core Team 12/6/02
Date Written: 11/20/02
Date Effective: 8/1/03
Date(s) of Revision(s): 8/20/03; 05/27/04dk, 3/28/05


A. First Amendment to Agreement for Ownership and Operation of Joint Library Building and Grant of Easement

B. Operating Agreement
