Statement of Policy & Text
The public address system in the King Library is used only for Library opening and closing announcements or for emergency instructions.
There will be absolutely no paging of customers, announcement of programs, or other incidental uses of this system.
Need for the Policy
To ensure that disruptive noise and arbitrary use of the public address system are avoided, the policy regulates acceptable use.
Requirements & Guidelines
Use of the PA system for emergencies includes:
- A building evacuation.
- A medical or building emergency to clear the way for emergency personnel such as paramedics or fire fighters.
- Missing children based upon the circumstances of each incident.
Applicable Personnel/Departments
All Library Staff, especially Security
History & Dates
Category of Policy: Facilities
Author(s): Library Director; Jane Light
Authorized by: Core Team 1/21/03, 2/24/03, Jo Whitlatch 8/18/03
Date Written: 1/3/03
Date Effective: 8/19/03
Date(s) of Revision(s): 8/20/03, 3/29/05